Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Well it certainly has been a while since my last post. I just re-read my last post and realized that there is a HUGE error. I said something to the effect of "I'm excited for my accounting class since I've decided NOT to major in it" I do not know why I put a "not" in that sentence because I am most definitely majoring in accounting.

This year has been nothing short of amazing for me. I've met some of my now closest friends, have learned a lot about myself and really begun to mature in some ways. I don't really know how to elaborate further in that regard, but all I can say is that I feel like a different person sometimes. And I'm pretty okay with that!

Yesterday was probably one of the most fun days I've had here at WSU in a while. The fun started around 2:30ish when my friend Megan and I decided that we should go sledding. We managed to find this very random hill in the middle of "apartment-land" and proceeded to blissfully sled down it for a good thirty minutes. Good innocent fun.

Afterward we walked to this mini-mart to buy b-day candles and frosting. Megan had made some cake-cookies (outstanding) and we fashioned them into a large "J" for our friend Janie's birthday. Later back at Janie's apartment (my second apartment basically) we stuck candles in them and sang happy birthday to her! Later in the evening we all went to a concert. One of our favorite artists ever, Macklemore was playing and it was an outstanding show. He's rapper from Seattle who has an enormous following in the Northwest and a lot of talent. His songs are intelligent and fun. He's not your typical rapper, and to be honest I didn't really care for hip-hop at all until I started listening to him. Needless to say last night was one of the happiest moments of my life, he truly is amazing.

Well I've got class in about an hour and a half and a blizzard to walk through to get to it, so I better get going! I'll try to post more soon!

Monday, January 10, 2011

New semester

It's 8 in the morning and I'm up. Not only am I up, but I'm on campus working. I swore after last semester I'd never take another 8:00 class again. And well I fulfilled that promise to myself. My first class today doesn't start until 11, but lucky me I got scheduled to work every monday at 8 in the morning. I'm appreciative of the hours, but this is torture. I could handle working this early maybe on a wednesday, but monday mornings are hard. I typically go to bed later on sunday nights than I usually do during the week, so waking up on monday mornings is especially difficult.

At least it's only two hours though, this will be very nice. This weekend I had to work outrageous hours. Friday I worked 2-9. Seven hours is not a ridiculous amount to work, however when you work at a desk, by yourself, seven hours is hellacious. And then on saturday I had to work 4-9, not as bad as before but still unpleasant.

Today I have three classes, History of Rock and Roll, Sociology, and Calculus. Tomorrow I start Accounting and Geology. I'm actually pretty excited about accounting honestly, since I've not decided to major in it!

Anywho, sophomore year has been such a blast, it doesn't even compare to freshman year at all. Just thought I'd add that.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Snow snow go away

This weekend is the apple cup and my home will become a hostel. Or as Becky mistakenly called it, a brothel. I look forward to the full apartment though. It snowed like crazy here, as it seems to have all over the state. At one point on tuesday night all the roads out of pullman were closed, which really is quite a terrifying thought. Let me just say this, I HATE THE SNOW. It's pretty when it first falls, but thats it's only redeeming quality. I cannot walk in snow, and I live off campus, so now I'm forced to ride the bus. The snow is beginning to melt, but it seems that the more it melts the more difficult it is for me to walk in. Not to mention my apartment complex does nothing to remedy the situation. Together my roommate and I pay 740 bucks to live there, and yet they can't shovel the sidewalks or at least salt them? I've never been one to criticize any sort of janitorial or maintenance staff person, but in this case I must. All I ever see them do is drive around the complex smoking cigarettes. It takes them three weeks to respond to a work order, and now all the roads are a mess. I've seen one young man walking around shoveling the stairs in the buildings and bless his heart for doing so, but I think his older (and far less responsible) co-workers need to get their act together and actually, i don't know, WORK.

Sorry I don't update this enough, everytime I find the inspiration to write, it ends up being when I only have 5 minutes to do so, which simply isn't enough time. I'll try to update more though, it's not like I don't have enough time!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So after about a year and half a semester of taking Hospitality classes, I've come to the realization that it's just not for me. This may come as a surprise to you all considering how dead set I was on getting my HBM degree. However I finally admitted to myself the service/hospitality industry just doesn't interest me. I suppose part of it comes from taking other required business courses. In my accounting and management information systems classes I find myself so much more engaged and interested. I've found a new passion for business, but not so much in hospitality. Honestly, I don't want to work in a hotel for the rest of my life, and I don't ever want to work in a restaurant again. Now I realized that as I would have climbed the corporate ladder I would have found myself in less operational positions and more corporate ones. This is good, but I don't want to have to wait ten years for that. Also why would I want to limit myself to the hospitality sector.

As it stands, I'm looking at a finance degree with a concentration in real estate. Currently I'm just thinking perhaps work as a real estate agent for a year or two, then go to Portland State University where they have a Masters in Real Estate Development where I could have more advanced and lucrative jobs in the future. But then again I still have lots of time to figure this out. I'll keep you all posted.

Friday, September 17, 2010

So the other day I received a call from a friend of mine, who knew I qualified for work study about a job opening. As you could imagine I accepted and am now one of the desk assistants for a residence hall. It's actually the front desk for 5 different residence halls, so it can get a little hectic. Today is my first day, from 1-3 I had a shift but was working with help. Now I'm on to my 5-7 shift and I'm all by myself. It's only 11 minutes in, but only two people have walked in. It was considerably busier earlier today, but I suppose its a good thing right now. I have always wanted to have some sort of front desk job, even if only for a year. Something about it just excited me. Well I should probably get back to sitting around watching the door. I don't have much else to say. School has been going well, the walk to class continues to get easier each day, and my roommate and I still haven't killed each other!

I'll try to post more, but I feel like nothing new or monumental happens to me anymore since this is my sophomore year. Everything that happened last year was so new and blog-worthy. I'll try to keep everyone updated though! :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I promised I would update this, and I haven't been doing the best job of doing that, my apologies. Now probably isn't the best time in the world to start writing a new update but I've found inspiration so I must. It's 7:25 AM and I'm up waiting for the best time to start walking to class. My first class of the day is Accounting which is stressful and yet strangely intriguing to me.

I could go on about my classes but it's all boring, in more exciting news, yesterday I earned about 20 cents buy purchasing an Arizona Iced Tea from our friendly campus Starbucks. How did I do this, you ask? I'll tell you. All I did was grab a can of the iced tea, and hand it to the young woman working the register. My total was $1.07 so I handed her a five dollar bill. In return she hands me four one dollar bills (already incorrect) and a whole bunch of coins, which I later discover includes over 4 quarters and totals about $1.20. Soooo, thanks to this woman's incompetence, instead of getting the $3.93 back in change that I expected, I received $5.20 and made a quick profit! And then later my friend Brenda bought me Taco Bell for driving her to Moscow. Although I did spend about $70 bucks total yesterday on Gas, a poster and a hair product.... needless to say the rest of this month will be tight, but I'm in college and that's what it's all about!

I'll talk to you guys later!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

So I've been back in Pullman for a little over a week now and things have been good. Lots of stress involving classes, job hunting, and some other drama that just never seems to end. My classes, so far seem like they shouldn't be too difficult, but it's only the first day so I won't trust my initial opinion. Today I'm off to my classes that I have on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which are Hospitality, and Management Information Systems (MIS). Should be easy enough. I may be meeting up for lunch with someone afterwords but we'll see how that pans out.

Yesterday I signed up for a Pilates class that runs from 7:00 pm-8:00 every monday and wednesday, whilst completely forgetting that I just applied to a few places where I said I would be available to work during those times. Whoopsies. I don't want to go and cancel my class, because I haven't even been hired anywhere yet, but we'll see!

I forgot to mention, yesterday I tried walking to class, which from my apartment is difficult, but possible, and done by many of my neighbors. The other option is to take the Bus which my good friend told me was like a can of sardines... that's what I call, not great. Besides my feet hurting after the walk, I realized that part of my exhaustion could be due to the fact that I wore a sweatshirt. I know, it's still summer, but it was 7:30, and freezing outside. Today I don't have class until 10:35, so when I leave here in about ten minutes, it shouldn't be so cold. Despite really not enjoying the walk, I think I am going to go ahead and do it again today, I mean it may be tough at first but I'll adjust, and hopefully loose a few pounds from doing it every day! Part of my walk includes a very steep hill, so my legs should get quite the work out!

Alright, well I think I've said enough for today, I'll update later with more of an update about my Tuesday/Thursday classes!